About Us

The Why of What we do:

*** Meet Leslie ***

leslie amerman

Dynamic Interactions was founded in 2008 by Leslie Amerman, who believes that healthy people and organizations create and sustain trust, openness, and engagement. She started Dynamic Interactions as a resource for teams and companies that wanted to invest in becoming “healthy.” She applied her experience as a speaker, facilitator, coach, and business executive to help clients implement the practices necessary for sustained performance.

A lack of communication often results in mistakes and lost productivity for an organization. Alternatively, a better understanding of people and how to motivate them and ensure they feel valued can advance a company exponentially.

Leslie brings the tools and coaching crucial to achieving a culture that leads to growth. In addition, she integrates supplemental health coaching to ensure performance is sustained by underlying wellness.

Before founding Dynamic Interactions, Leslie was a partner in MindStretch, Inc., a training company focused on organizational effectiveness and technology skills. MindStretch was a natural progression of her passion to help people live better lives through learning and a springboard for Dynamic Interactions.

In addition, Leslie provided expertise in behavioral and personal styles for the research behind the book, “Offensive and Defensive Security; Concepts, Planning, Operations, and Management,” written by Harry I. Nimon, Ph.D.

Leslie is a Certified Holistic Health Coach. She is a member of the Health Coach Group, the National Association of Professional Women, and the International Coach Federation (ICF) – Houston.

Clients We've Served

  • Zust Bachmeier International
  • Baylor College of Medicine
  • UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • Shell Oil Company, BMC Software, Inc.
  • Halliburton Company
  • National Association of Activity Professionals
  • Institute for Supply Chain Management (formerly NAPM)


Please feel free to contact me!


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